

"Opened a new answer to insert screenshots" on Creating an alarm in a QAction, 15th April 2024.

"I've found something similar, but where can I find this SLProtocolScripts.dll?" on Creating an alarm in a QAction, 15th April 2024.

"Hi Tom, I just want to generate an information event to report the…" on Creating an alarm in a QAction, 15th April 2024.

"Hi Geovanny, That's exactly what I thought. I used this method in another…" on BroadcastPopupRequestMessage is not displaying the message, 16th February 2024.

"Hi William, I´ve already checked. I added the code below and the message…" on BroadcastPopupRequestMessage is not displaying the message, 16th February 2024.

"Thanks Jeroen!" on Receiving traps on multiple ports, 9th January 2024.

"Perfect, thanks!" on Editing Matrix allowed connections by code, 5th December 2023.

"Hi Miguel, Perfect, thanks!" on Generate an Information Event in a QAction, 10th November 2023.

"Hi Robin. yes, they have the same UUID. I'm adding the screenshots in…" on InterApp Return Message Timeout, 6th November 2023.

"I found an error in a QAction, but it still not working. The…" on InterApp – Automation sending command to protocol and receiving response, 30th October 2023.

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