
"thank you Gilles!!! Diving into the EditService I discovered GetServiceConfiguration is more useful…" on WebServices API functions, 8th February 2025.

"Not quite Peter, Be able to change the enabled state of a button…" on Ability to disable a button in protocol on a datadisplay like you can other parameters, 22nd January 2025.

"Something like Group Conditions. ie: have a button disabled based on the values…" on Ability to disable a button in protocol on a datadisplay like you can other parameters, 15th January 2025.

"Also interested." on Severity Duration as a filter option in Alarm console., 14th January 2025.

"Thank you for this! I had marked that as complete but I think…" on Use Parameter to scale the size of a shape visio, 9th December 2024.

"Thanks Tom for confirming! Have added the feature request to be able to…" on Condition or Exception to hide or disable button in protocol, 9th December 2024.

"Thanks Robin, Made that change but still didn't fix it - you were…" on Protocol managing minor OID differences, 9th December 2024.

"Thank you Robin for that reply, I did start working on an update…" on Protocol managing minor OID differences, 14th November 2024.

"That's for the clarification Sebastiaan. Unfortunately it isn't practical to copy shapes to…" on DCF and element with a vdxPage, 12th November 2024.

"What version of Dataminer was this issue resovled?" on Bug in snmpSetAndGet with dynamic OID?, 8th November 2024.

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