We provide glass-to-glass solutions, from the studio camera to the content elaboration and delivery, all perfectly integrated!
We contribute to our customers’ success by choosing the best technologies, providing the best possible technical services, and creating and delivering solutions using high-end broadcast technology. We also offer the entire service portfolio for Skyline/DataMiner solutions.
About CVE
C.V.E. was established in 2008 as an enhanced version of C.V.E. Spa, which was initially founded by the owner, Carmelo Catalano, in 1982.
Financially independent from the beginning, no venture capital or bank loans were involved in the founding or growth of the Company. C.V.E. has always been a leading company in Media and Telco industries thanks to the successful strategies implemented in the evolving technology market.
C.V.E. is characterized by 40 years of experience and an excellent commercial-technical team built through years of experience.