On November 25, we had the pleasure of hosting a technology partner webinar with Interra Systems on media service quality management. During the webinar, our Market Director Broadcast Thomas explained why media viewing is rapidly adopting the new normal and that there’s an increased demand for more content, better quality of experience (QoE) and consumption on any device, at any time.
If you want to find out how Interra Systems and Skyline Communications can automate your file quality control (QC) and linear media delivery platforms, you can now replay this session at your convenience.
Here’s what you will learn:
- How to synchronize your probe configurations with the actual service lineup orchestration at any time, and without operator intervention
- How to efficiently use Interra QC and ABR probes across your entire media pipeline
- How to benefit from a data-driven, agile, end-to-end and future-proof operation

If you have any questions related to this webinar, feel free to reach out to Thomas or leave a comment here!
To watch this webinar, you need to be logged in. In the top-right corner of the screen, click LOG IN and authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.
Great presentation!