This new version contains the following new features and bug fixes:
Generate Ember+ parameters
Developing Ember+ DataMiner drivers is now much easier and faster. Data from an Ember+ device can be exported using the open-source ‘EmberViewer’ tool. These exported files can then be used to automatically generate the needed parameters in a driver, to display all information of the device.
Display Editor – Parameter Height
The display editor, allowing us to position parameters on pages, now better reflects the actual result in Cube by adapting the visual height of components.
Table Editor – Column Width
Great improvements on the calculation of the ideal width for table columns by taking following aspects into account:
- Column titles
- Column sorting icon
- Cube truncating the table postfixes from column descriptions
- Key icons (PK/DK/FK): depending if the table has some Histogram or HeaderCalculation (Sum/Average/etc) enabled
- Column content
- DateTime/Date/Time Params
- Discreets/Exceptions
- Units/Ranges/Decimals
Validator – C# Code Analysis
A bunch of new C# code analysis checks in order to detect following mistakes
- Usage of obsolete preprocessor directives such as DCFv1
- QAction entry point classes implementing unsupported interfaces such as IDisposable
- Applying historySet call on Param without historySet option enabled
- Executing Gets & Sets on non-existing Param
- Mismatch between entry points defined in QAction@entryPoint attribute & defined C# classes and methods
- Usage of DELT incompatible calls
- Usage of unrecommended methods such as Thread.Abort(),
- SLProtocol.GetParameterIndex(), etc.
Parameter Snippets Reviewed
The big list of Param snippets full review & reorganization in following subfolders
- Displayed: the snippets in this folder has been reviewed to better reflect what is present in the UI components section of the DDL.
- Internal logic: contains internal logic Params such as dummy Params, fixed Params, etc.
- Param options: contains all snippets allowing to add options to existing Params such as Alarm tag, Subtext tag, Exceptions tags, etc.
- Serial communication: contains serial communication Params such as headers, trailers, etc.
- SNMP communication: contains SNMP communication Params such as trap receivers, SNMP table, etc.
You can find a complete list of the features and enhancements of DIS version 2.29 in the release notes.