Normally you select a profile and then a matching resouce. Is it possible to select a resource and by choosing the resource the correct profile is automatically filled?
Use case here: Each streaming destination needs to be encrypted in a certain way, by choosing destination X, there's no other way then to encrypt it using profile A. Choosing destination Y, it needs to be encrypted using profile B.
Jochen Dewachter [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 10th December 2020
Yes that is supported.
To do that you need to do the following configurations:
- Have a capability parameter in your profile instance.
- Have the same capability on the resource with the same value.
- On the resource add a property called 'FilterProfileInstance' with value 'Yes'
Jochen Dewachter [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 10th December 2020
Create a Resource using the Skyline Generic Source .
All these resources are generated taking into account the feature jorge has described.
Profile instance creation is also automated in that driver.