Is it possible to create a list of buttons somehow? Ideally I would like to have a window with as many buttons as elements for a specific driver. I do not know before hand how many buttons I will need. So somehow I need a way to create this in a dynamic fashion.
I should be able to catch the button.pressed event for each button as well.
Hi Jon,
Pretty similar solution to João, but maybe a bit more fleshed out can be found here:

Hi Jon,
You should be able to use the Interactive Automation Script Toolkit NuGet together with Class library NuGet to achieve what you are after.
Have a look at this snippet Interactive Automation Script with One Button per Element ( and you can adapt it to suit your needs.
Instead of getting all the elements, you could filter them by protocol name and/or version with the help of the element.Protocol property.
Instead of generating an information event, you could pass a lambda function with the right arguments to a method of your choice.
If you store the elements in a local variable you could even find back the original object and perform operations on top of it.

Thank you Joao. Your answer was extremely helpful. I combined both your insight with Thomas’ to come up with my solution. Thanks for your help.
Thanks Thomas! That was exactly what I was looking for. Hope this can help somebody else who needs to implement the same use case in the future.