I have migrated an element to another DMA within a DMS by using the migration feature (Agents - status - Migrate).
The element has been migrated successfully and updated the host id and the dma name accordingly but the id property has not been updated i.e. it's still showing the old dmaId/elementId as the Id which could potentially lead to a confusion or a failure.
Therefore, I am wondering how the ID can be updated so that it shows the correct information about where the element is hosted. Could anyone please advise? Thanks.
Hi Paul,
This is by design. The DMA ID/Element ID combo is actually using the DMA ID of the DMA you created the element on. If you later on move the element to another DMA this DMA ID/Element ID will always remain the same. This is to avoid problems because various things like e.g. DMS Filters, Visio files, Correlation rules, etc. could have a reference to this ID. Therefore, you never want this ID to change. The name of an element and the hosting DMA can change, but this original DMA ID/Element ID combo will never change and cannot be changed (unless you would manually start tweaking configuration).
This feature is actually called DELT or DataMiner Element Location Transparency.