The use case library provides bite-sized inspiration on what can be done with the transformational power of DataMiner. As it is an invaluable collection of real-life applications by the DataMiner community, we want to give five of our most recently published use cases their moment in the spotlight.
This ready-made overview gives you an idea of the true value you can get out of the use case library. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Our full-length use cases go the extra mile with detailed descriptions and numerous images to fully immerse you in the material.

Author: Dominique De Paepe
Solution(s): Wired Access Networks, Wireless Access Networks, Software Defined Media Networks (SDMN), Network Operation Center (NOC)
Fully automated end-to-end network configuration and service provisioning
In this use case, we focus on a suite of fully automated processes for the end-to-end provisioning and lifetime support of a network serving approximately 2.5 million subscribers using a DOCSIS distributed access architecture. Maximum security and increased availability are only two examples of benefits that come along with this setup.
Encoder Manager: channel input switching on multi-model encoders
Find out how DataMiner can help you easily switch the inputs of channels spread across different encoder models with just one click! As each encoder model has its own way of switching the channel input, manually identifying the correct encoder could seriously slow you down in emergency situations. However, with the Encoder Manager, this process can be completed in a matter of seconds!

Author: Maximiliano Filho
Solution(s): Over-The-Top (OTT)

Author: Thomas Gunkel
Solution(s): Master Control Room (MCR)
MCR Automation – signal contribution made easy (satellite downlinks/fiber/4G)
Automating workflows in a Master Control Room (MCR), the heart of every broadcast operation, is key to achieving an efficient and secure operation. Take a look at this use case from a DataMiner user in Denmark who uses DataMiner in the MCR to automate as much as possible while keeping the freedom to intervene at any time for ad hoc operations.
Arista Network Orchestration
This use case showcases an example of DataMiner orchestrating an Arista core network with different types of end devices. Learn how to properly configure VLANs on all interfaces to ensure that IP flows can reach the correct destination, and discover the significance of performing VLAN cleanup.

Author: Michiel Saelen
Solution(s): Flow Engineering and Management (FLE), ICT Network and Configuration Management, Software Defined Media Networks (SDMN)

Author: Thomas Gunkel
Solution(s): Flow Engineering and Management (FLE), Software Defined Media Networks (SDMN)
Multi-Site IP Signal Switching
Have a look at this use case to learn how DataMiner is used for IP signal switching of compressed audio and video streams across multiple sites in Mexico. The primary objective of this solution is to efficiently route a large number of services (over 200) or groups of services across different cities through an easy-to-use graphical interface resembling an “SDI-like” software router panel.
Can’t get enough of these use cases? Explore our complete use case library* for even more examples.
*Please note that you need to be logged in to access our use cases: in the top-right corner of the screen, click LOG IN and authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.
Did you know you can earn DevOps Points by contributing to the use case library yourself?
Use cases could focus on a new product integration that you completed for DataMiner, or any other type of solution that you have implemented with DataMiner. Writing a use case is now easier than ever with our use case template!
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Dojo update!
We’re dedicated to providing a user-friendly experience on Dojo, and we’re constantly updating our platform to make it even better. In addition to regularly updating our use case library, we’ve recently given the DataMiner Downloads page a complete makeover. The new layout makes it easier than ever to find and install upgrades and other software.