No, it’s not the latest hype to order at your favorite coffee shop. It’s a casual gathering of people who share a passion and want to discuss their experiences or challenges over a coffee or a beer… or two!
For quite some time now, we have been living the Agile mindset in our entire operation. We know some of its pitfalls and many of its benefits, and we are constantly looking for new opportunities to share and discuss our insights or gain new insights through the experiences of others.
That’s why we are proud to announce that Bram De Block, Agile Coach at Skyline Communications, is organizing the very first Lean Coffee on September 21st to discuss Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, coaching self-organizing teams and lots more. It’s completely free (including those beers 😉) and accessible to everyone, no matter their industry or knowledge level on the subjects.
There’s no doubt that you will leave with loads of new insights and inspire all of us!
If you’re interested in attending the first Lean Coffee @ Skyline Park, Izegem you can register via Meetup.