SRM Framework 1.2.9 is now available for download.

Framework provides an out-of-the shelf resources management functionality based on capabilities, capacities and concurrency. It also includes scheduling and orchestration engines.
Package 1.2.9 adds support for the latest version of our virtual functions, providing a true mediation layer on top of device and collector elements. Irrespective of the way a parameter is integrated into a protocol driver, the function definition allows to expose its value on the virtual function layer in a standard way.
Previous versions of the framework have introduced many different types of automation scripts, allowing a high level of customization. Package 1.2.9 further extends the link with Automation by giving the option to launch a custom script when converting a booking into a resource. This can typically be used to tweak the capacities and capabilities of the created resource, so that it appears as a regular resource for main booking(s) consuming it.
For a complete list of features and enhancements of SRM 1.2.9, check the release notes.
Another release adding a lot of value, great work from the SRM Framework squad!