When applying a new protocol (protocol with different name), to an existing element and choosing to use the same element, the DVE elements are not updated to the new DVE protocol.
The 2 protocols are in sync regarding the parameter IDs, saved parameters, etc. so there's no mismatch regarding the stored element data.
Main element X (protocol A) has 2 DVEs (protocol A - X)
Applying protocol B to element X works, but the DVEs are still running protocol A - X and not running protocol B - X.
Hi Brecht,
Could you provide a bit more info:
When you indicate the protocol name changed, do you mean the new selected parent and its exported child protocols are different then those used?
If not I believe you have conflict problem of having 2 parent protocol exporting the same child protocols. This could explain the behavior you are seeing.

Then this sounds more as an issue although it can be debated if this is an advised action to do.
Please make an issue task for this so it can be looked into by our experts.
Hi Mieke,
When applying a new ‘main’ protocol (which also supports DVE protocols) to the main element, the main element’s protocol is updated to the new selected main protocol.
However, the DVEs for the particular main element remain (so not deleted and re-created), but those DVEs do not have the new DVE protocol related to the new ‘main’ protocol. They’re still running the DVE protocol related to the previous ‘main’ protocol.