When does the following code line end?
I'm getting unexpected API Automation Script Timeouts and I suspect them due to running SubScript at the end.
Could it be that this line of code is blocked until the execution of the c# logic is started?
There are cases where this can take some time. e.g. tons of scripts are already running and are queuing up in the automation queue.
I'm running the subscript with the following attributes and I would expect it will not block on the method as soon as the script is added the automation queue.
- Synchronous = false;
- PerformChecks = false;
The comment in the timeout error in information event, indicates that it timed out when running the StartScript() hence my suspicion that this is blocked (and delayed) due to tons of other scripts that first need to be executed.
(Code: 0x80131500) Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.ScriptTimeoutException: Script has been running for too long, and is being aborted.
at Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.ThreadWatcher.CheckIfAborted(Thread thread)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.Engine.InternalLaunchSubScript(String scriptName, List`1 finalOptions, Int32 inheritSubScript, Int32 extendedErrorInfo, Dictionary`2& subScriptOutput, List`1& errorMessages)
at Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.SubScriptOptions.StartScript()
at xxxxx.TriggerAsyncScriptExecution(String logContent)
at xxxxx()
at xxxxx()
at xxxxx_1.Script.OnApiTrigger(IEngine engine, ApiTriggerInput requestData)
Hi Mieke,
The subScript.StartScript(); returns when:
- The synchronous flag is passed to the subscript as true and the subscript has completed
- Immediately after starting the subscript if the Synchronous flag is passed as false
However, what you describe does not seem to follow these conditions.
Could you confirm if any line below that call gets reached with something like a log?
The only reason I see for the flow to not proceed is if SLNet is too busy to process the request or if SLAutomation is experiencing an issue. Could you confirm if you see any error or notice that could justify this?

My first impression would be that the TryCatch block would not catch that exception given that you are starting your subscript asynchronously.
Although, with the behavior you are describing it may be able to catch the exception, however, keep in mind that if the subscript has timed out it is likely that enough time has elapsed so that your main script also will timeout so it could be worth looking into overriding the default timeout of your main script with engine.Timeout (reference: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/types/Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.Engine.Timeout.html?q=engine.timeout)
Or alternatively, calling engine.KeepAlive() that will reset the elapsed time (reference: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/types/Skyline.DataMiner.Automation.Engine.KeepAlive.html)
I can’t really add a log line as this would massively overload my system with logs.
Keep in mind that this usually happens when there is a very high load of (api) automation scripts to execute.
Will a try – catch around the StartScript() trigger on the mentioned exception?
in that case I could create an information event only when the exception occurs.