In the event where a DataMiner agent is used solely for Cloud Gateway means, what is the recommended specification for optimised operation of Cloud Connectivity and any associated web services?
DataMiner Docs provides a good compute benchmark for agents and database nodes however, I'm wondering if this can be extended to provide benchmarks for other Dataminer setups e.g. Cloud Gateway agent and Client agent.
As you mentioned, there is no official specification from Skyline regarding the optimal setup for the DataMiner Cloud Gateway. According to the information I have obtained, a limited hardware setup should be sufficent to operate the Cloud Gateway. The main requirement is that the agent runs on a Windows machine.
We need to implement a similar setup.
We work on VMs, and in our case, we have chosen to select the "DMZ" setup type.
I will request 4 vCPUs, a 40GB disk, and 16GB of RAM, which should be sufficient...
If others Skyline team members can have more info that can be helpfull