Is it possible to set a View as a dummy for automation?
How can I change the properties of a View in Script?
Setting a view as a Dummy for an automation script is not possible.
I would recommend to add a parameter to the automation script and pass the view name into that parameter. When using C# code into the automation script, you can easily get the elements from the passed view and loop through them.
Example could be following
Setting properties for a view is not possible from the automation script. Would it maybe be possible to further elaborate on the actual objective of this, and why the property of the view needs to be updated?

Storing values into the property of the element is possible from the automation script. That can be achieved with the SetPropertyValue method of the Element class. Not sure if that could also help, instead of storing it on a view?

Would it maybe be possible to further explain what data you would want to store? Maybe there are other alternatives that would have a better fit. Thanks
The data I want to save is the dataminer status of the device, or group of devices, online or offline.
We are looking for a system that can be switched on the View.
We want to express whether the connection between the Relay truck and the studio passes through the data center or is a direct connection.
That information is not displayed on the device, so the operator enters it manually on the View.
It would be easier to maintain if it could be done with view properties, but it seems difficult.
We will use the properties of the elements.
The following questions are relevant.
He guided us that the view properties would be the persistent storage for the variables.
Our goal is to have values that do not exist on the device, persistently on the dataminer server.