Hi Dojo,
I'm in the process of creating a Serial Modbus driver. The response I receive from the device (and the response in the Stream Viewer) is: 000000 00 02 00 00 00 13 01 01 10 F9 FF D8 FF 50 F8 40 F8 30 FF 00 F0 FB FF FF 7F
However when I try to surface this information in parameters in DataMiner, I can only seem to get an accurate response back for the lowbyte and highbyte parameters (F9 FF respectively) but nothing after that point.
This is the response I'm using:
Params 21,22 and 23 are Groups, which I have then broken out into individual bit params, examples as follows:
And finally, this is what I see in DataMiner, accurate information for the first two bytes (bits 1 to 16) but inaccurate ("Not Active" is the default value) for bits 17-25.
So to summarise, I would like to present every Bit but I can only get the Bits returned for the first 16 Bits (first 2 Bytes) which also happens to be the Low Byte and High Byte. Do you know why this may be happening?
Most likely there was copy/paste issue in the bits definition parameters.

I can see the copy/paste issue now, thank you spotting it!