Hi guys,
For some reasion I am not able to connect my new local DMA to dataminer.services. When I try to renew session, this error shows up You are unauthorized for this DataMiner System.

I dont see it.
When I click on Open dataminer.services it shows me the Skylines organisation, and no visible DMA.
When I clikc on Open Cloud Admin it opens my organisation admin page, but no visibel DMA
Hi Boris,
In order to renew your cloud session make sure that you have have the "Admin" or "Owner" role on both the organization and dms. (you can find & change this on admin.dataminer.services).
Hi Boris, could you check if you still see the dma (of which you're trying to renew the cloud session) on dataminer.services.
And also if you still see this dma on admin.dataminer.services with the necessary user & rights in both the organization & dataminer system.