I have noticed on some trending graphs, only 2 or 3 days of trending is displayed. When I check the trend template, the Real-time is checked and the Average is not checked.
- Is the length of time for Real-time trending dependent on the TTL settings?
- Is the real-time trending data being written do the database so if I turn on Average a week later I will see a week of Trend Data?
Randy Ulvenes [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 20th April 2021
Hello Randy,
- Prior to 9.6.6 the default sliding window size was not dependent on ttl settings yet. See : default sliding window size for realtime trending.
- Only upon activating the average or realtime data trending, DataMiner will start adding average respectively realtime data records to the database.
Randy Ulvenes [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 20th April 2021

Thanks Masschelein! I think some of the behavior I noticed was a prior 9.6 system.