Dear Community,
In order to give access to Job Manager to a third party, we intend to run it on a separate server in a DMZ. How is this achievable, and is there any specific restrictions about the link between the main DMA and the external (DMZ) server powering the Job Manager ?
Side question : do we intend to provide the Job Manager as a Cloud Sharing Service similar to Dashboards in the short future ?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Jonathan,
Moving the Jobs application (or any other Web Application) can be done via the Gateway functionality. This is possible since feature release 10.0.12, see the release note for more information.
Job Manager (next to the other web applications) will definitely be considered as a Cloud Sharing Service similar to Dashboards. In a first step, we will provide access to all of these web applications via DataMiner.Services. You can expect this in one of the upcoming 10.1 feature releases.
Sharing the applications with people outside your company, will then follow in a later iteration.

Thanks a lot !!