Hi Dojo,
our active failover DMA lost the connection to the other DMA because of some network maintenance. Everything resolved and is fine, and both DMAs communicate properly with each other. However, there is an alarm stuck on the active DMA in the alarm table:
So far I cannot find a way to get rid of this stuck alarm.
- Right click -> no options available.
- Restarting Cube -> no effect.
- Restarting the other DMA, to provoke the alarm to occur again and resolve itself -> no effect.
Any suggestions? Is a restart of the DMA itself neccessary?
Thank you very much! 🙂
Hello Nils
Not sure for your specific case but you can start by looking into our documentation, maybe there is a few things that you can try, please check here
Best Regards

Also found this
But this uses Client Test Tool and it could be dangerous if not used correctly, not sure if you ever used it, and also not sure if it fits your case, maybe someone else can advise.

Thanks Tiago!
Eventually I decided to take the safer path of restarting the DMAs – that actually solved the issue.
Hi Tiago,
thank you for your suggestion! However, since we are operating in auto clear mode, the steps described are not applicable for our problem, as I understand it…
Best regards