When working with DVEs, exported parameters should be in a table in order to associate them with a foreign key. My question is whether this is also a requirement when working with SRM resources/function DVEs, or if in this case we can directly export standalone parameters without issues (e.g., start failing sets after some time)?
Flavio, I do not have an answer, but I want to make sure we understand your question correctly. So please confirm / correct me:
Exporting data to a DVE can be done in 3 different ways:
- As stand-alone from the table generating the DVE
- As table from a table linked via a FK to the table generating the DVE
- As stand-alone from a table linked via a FK to the table generating the DVE and using the same PK value as the table generating the DVE. This makes sure DMA knows there is a 1:1 relation between the rows.
Is your question if exporting data to a function dve behaves the same?
Meaning we could export stand-alone params from a table when we meet the criteria as defined for DVEs?

Hi Mieke,
Thank you for your feedback. Not exactly that question. The question was if we can export standalone parameters from the main element to the function dve without issues (such as the sets stop working after a while).
In a nutshell: standalone to standalone
Kind regards,