Hello all
We'd like to implement a monitor for basic KPIs like Power level and SNR, but the problem here is that it cannot come from a preset defined in the Spectrum Analyzer; this will be a Dynamic center frequency taken from another element, in this case a receiver.
Is there a way of configuring a "Dynamic Center Frequency" in a preset so afterwards I can set the markers and get the amplitude level I need ?
Hi Tiago,
The Automation Engine provides a SpectrumPreset class, which contains a method to set the center frequency. So, you could have the automation script first reading the frequency from a specific IRD, and then updating a specific preset with that newly read frequency.
More details can be found in DataMiner Help.
[EDIT]Into a spectrum script, it is also possible to read out the center frequency and create a frequency reference. I believe you can use this to read the level at a specific frequency. Untested though, so feel free to add comments if this would not work.

Tiago, I don’t have immediate access to a spectrum analyzer, but I believe you should be able to read the center frequency back out of the preset after you have modified it, and then use it as a frequency reference. I have added an [EDIT] in the original message to further clarify.

Thanks a lot for the great help Leander, it worked perfectly.
Hello Leander
That part i already did, I created the Automation script to set the center frequency and also select the Spectrum Active Switch, I added that to the measurement point so I have a measurement point that will call my automation script and makes that setting, my issue is afterwards on the Monitor script, to get the amplitude value at center frequency, in a fixed frequency I just define a marker at the center frequency and then us the “Get Amplitude Level at” “Preset” “Marker”, in the dynamic case I don’t have the marker, so how to get the value ?