I've building a visual overview using the reservation component, and filtering YAxisResources to a specific pool name, which works with or without spaces, but not with a dot in the name, e.g. 'YAxisResources:Pool=Resource Automation' works but 'YAxisResources:Pool=Resource.Automation' doesn't.
Is there a way round this, or am I doing something wrong?
We're running 10.4.2 on the cluster.
hi Philip
A pool that contains a dot will be considered as the full name of that pool, prefixed with the virtual platform it belongs to. A concept that's no longer in use.
As an alternative you could try filtering using the GUID of the resource pool. You can find that reference/GUID the same way as for other SRM objects.
Some references in the docs for the remarks in my comments:

I’m not aware if it’s possible to have a display value for dropdowns with fixed values. You could look into making them variable using table.
Or perhaps use an automation script to request or convert the pool name.
(I’ve added some links to the docs in the main reply)
Thanks Peter,
How are pools filtered against specific booking managers now then?
I’ve created a Resource automation Visio that uses a dropdown to set the pool name, as currently we only want a single view with this on (it might change), so unless we can translate from the name to the GUI we can’t use that option.