Dear Dojo,
How can I tell DataMiner system that a document was removed by an automation script?
protocol.NotifyDataMiner(41 /*NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE*/, 33 .. is the tool to accomplish that in the context of a protocol driver.
I think something similar should exists with dms.Notify(12 /* DMS_FILE_CHANGED_BY_DMA */ ...,
but I have noticed that we should not use this function.
We take a weekly scheduled backup of DCM configurations into C:\Skyline DataMiner\Documents\CISCO DCM\ and would like delete setting - files older than 10 weeks.
Hi Joerg,
Looking at the documentation of that call NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE (41) I would remove the file and execute the same method but with fileChangeType: 33 = File removed
protocol.NotifyDataMiner(41 /*NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE*/, filePath, fileChangeType);

Indeed, I was a bit too fast, perhaps have a look at the suggestion from Ive, I believe this might contain your answer.
Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
Maby I missed something, but in an automation script I do not have the protocol Instance.
I tried already
dms.Notify(41 /*NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE*/, 33, fileInfo.FullName, null, out returnValue);
But as an result the deleted file will be resynchronized (restored) from the DMS.