Dear dojo,
I'm creating an automation script where i read a view Property through
IDms dms = engine.GetDms();
IDmsView myView = dms.GetView(Convert.ToInt16( viewid ));
IDmsViewProperty myViewProperty = myView.Properties.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Definition.Name == "myPropertyName");
This part is fine but when i try to update the Value with
myViewProperty.Value = "new value";
i get the message "myViewProperty.Value cannot be assigned to -- it is read only"
I'm able to assign a value manually. So i don't understand why this property should be read only.
Is there a way to manipulate this?

Hi Tom,
Cool! This makes sense. Thank you for information.
The trick to cast the property did the job even on my view property.
Thank you very much!

Glad to hear it did the trick!
Hi Michael. Based on this question and other feedback, we decided to make setting properties on elements, services and views a bit more intuitive. The property object now contain IsWritable and AsWritable methods, which replace the cast to IWritableProperty. This has been implemented in version of the DMS library.