Is it possible to use 'scripted connectors' to perform SQL queries via the SQLAlchemy library?
If yes, how can the library be added?
Thank you!
Yes, it should be possible for you to perform SQL queries via your scripted connectors Pythons script.
As long as you can do it in Python it is only then a matter of installing the necessary dependencies as described here Installing extra Python packages | Getting started with the Data Sources module | DataMiner Docs

Yes, Scripted Connectors communicates with DataAPI which expects a JSON format.
You will then need to convert whatever result your library gives you into a JSON object like you can see in the examples of this page: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Modules/Data_Sources/Data_API.html

Thanks I understand
Thank you, but do I need to transform the query into JSON?
I ask because on the webpage, it says I need JSON format to parse or display the data in Dataminer.