On our DMS we see, that for multiple elements no previous logfile can be opened in Cube when selecting "Open previous" .These elements run for many months now and the recent logfiles show only the logy of the last hours/days, depending on the quantity of log entries per element. The previous logfiles show the following:
<em>Logfile "Element Name" from agent "FQDN"... 2023/04/12 11:41:06.284|SLLog|ApplyLogLevels|CRU|-1|Log Levels: Info: 5; Error: 5; Debug: 5 (init) **********</em>
We also accessed the logfile directly on OS level and could see, that most logfiles with "BAK" extension have a size of 1kB with the same content shown above.
The DMS runs DM version 10.2.12 currently.
Is this by design or should we be able to see all previous logfiles (assuming the element is active for a while already and has an adequate number of log entries.
You should also consider in case of Failover pair.
When you have a failover pair and a switch happens, the dataminer that becomes online will start all the elements, it will be the same as starting all the element for the first time - there will be no previous logs and the current logs will start at the moment the DMA came online.
The previous element logs will be present on the offline DMA.