Hi Dojo,
I know that the parentProtocol attribute is used as part of DVE child protocols but I cannot seem to find documentation of this usage or of other use cases for that attribute.
The attribute should be part of the Name tag but the page has no mention of it.
Could anyone confirm the possible usage of this attribute?
Indeed, this tag is auto-generated from DataMiner when it creates DVE protocols out of a main protocol.
It's not part of the development guide because it's not intended to be written manually. It's only use is internally, both in its generation and parsing.

Thanks, Jan for the confirmation.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have it documented even if with a warning stating it should not be used when developing as it is a reserved one?
Even DIS does not appear to show any error or informational warnings when being used and it could cause issues if it were to be improperly used.