When a DMA restarts, what happens to parameter subscriptions? Do they have to be re-initialized on startup? Is it possible that on startup, these parameters would be not initialized for a moment until the parameter subscriptions are re-initialized?
When subscribing to a certain element's parameters, what happens to the subscriptions when the element restarts/is stopped?
For reference, we have several hundred enhanced services subscribing to table parameters on multiple elements.
Hi Alex, subscriptions are automatically recreated when the element (re)starts. Also after a DMA restart they are recreated. Nothing special needs to be done, you'll just start receiving updates again.
Only if the process on the DMA that hosts the subscriptions is restarted (SLScripting in case of enhanced services), the subriptions need to be recreated. What I typically do is storing the subscription state in a variable (boolean). That variable automatically resets to false when the SLScripting is restarted, which means the subscriptions need to be recreated.

It’s indeed restarted on a DMA restart or upgrade. In that case the enhanced service will be restarted as well, and subscriptions should be recreated.
When the DMA that hosts the element you are subscribing on (not the one that contains the enhanced service) restarts, nothing needs to be done.

Gotcha, thanks again!
Thanks for your quick feedback!
Followup question: Isn’t SLScripting restarted on a DMA restart? What about during a DMA upgrade?