Is there a DataMiner driver being able to extract system logs from a certain application of broadcast equipment like (Vizrt or VSM), analyze it, and send a real-time notification with specific keywords filtered like Critical, Error, Warning, and so on.... to be posted in a dashboard for NOC engineers in order to monitor the system through the system logs itself?
How heavy it will be the workload on the DataMiner system? and from the other side on the performance of the device due to the heavy operation or the high traffic?
Is there a developed tested driver having the same Idea?
Reading logs files and build structured reports from them is always something useful to diagnose and monitor the production systems. To come around loads of the logs files from the different systems in the infrastructure and keep the load off DataMiner, there must be a special system that is made for big data processing. For example, Splunk and Elasticsearch are two special software that are able to process big data and produce reports.
At Sky UK, we use Splunk to ingest the logs files from all over the place and then generate the required reports. These reports are then polled into DataMiner via HTTP and the alarming criteria (templates) are then built.
We have improved a Skyline Splunk Enterprise driver to receive the reports from Splunk and fetch the data into their tables regardless of their data types.