I am trying to access the Dashboard web app. But it seems to be missing although it is showing up on my Cube session.
I have tried to restart IIS and to do an upgrade on the web apps https://community.dataminer.services/dataminer-web-upgrade-packages/ but to no avail.
Would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas on why it might be broken or if have any idea how do I troubleshoot this
I was logged in as the Administrator user which should have all its permissions enabled.
I also tried creating a new user with the added permissions you mentioned but could not get that to work either
I have also tried running it in Incognito, restarting IIS.
I have also took a look in the versioning and noticed this. Not sure if this is the cause of the missing Dashboards
Some other things to note is that, I seem to be having DCOM issues (Noticed from Microsoft element timing out) when I am on the Failover DMA. I have followed the troubleshoot steps for the Microsoft Platform element to troubleshoot DCOM but I seem to be getting this error below. Not sure if DCOM has any relation to the Dashboard.