I am trying to access the Dashboard web app. But it seems to be missing although it is showing up on my Cube session.
I have tried to restart IIS and to do an upgrade on the web apps https://community.dataminer.services/dataminer-web-upgrade-packages/ but to no avail.
Would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas on why it might be broken or if have any idea how do I troubleshoot this
Could you double check that your user has sufficient permissions? The user permissions and the dashboards license are the only checks that happen in order to display the webapp on the landingspage.
You can verify if the web apps receive the right permissions by inspecting the network tab of your browser its devtools (ctrl + shift + J in chromium browsers):

I updated the answer with a screenshot how to know for sure if we are dealing with insufficient permissions here. However, as admin account you should have all permissions so there might indeed be something going on with your system. I’ll get in contact to investigate what’s going on.
Thanks Gilles, for the help. Confirmed that the issue was with the Reporter Licensing being missing in the DMA Which could be checked in “C:Skyline DataMinerLicenseInfo.txt” Updating the license file fixed it.
I was logged in as the Administrator user which should have all its permissions enabled.
I also tried creating a new user with the added permissions you mentioned but could not get that to work either
I have also tried running it in Incognito, restarting IIS.
I have also took a look in the versioning and noticed this. Not sure if this is the cause of the missing Dashboards
Some other things to note is that, I seem to be having DCOM issues (Noticed from Microsoft element timing out) when I am on the Failover DMA. I have followed the troubleshoot steps for the Microsoft Platform element to troubleshoot DCOM but I seem to be getting this error below. Not sure if DCOM has any relation to the Dashboard.
Thanks Gilles for your reply. I replied with a new post to upload the screenshot as well.