Hi everyone,
Is it possible to add multiple "DisableWrite" statements to the "options" attribute of a Measurement Type tag? I want to make a column read-only if 1 of multiple conditions is met.
Hi Stijn,
I don't think this is possible. But perhaps you could add a hidden column that takes care of the logic. So every time the table updates check the conditions and set a flag in the hidden column. that way you can add as many conditions as you want.

In this case, the data in the table is updated by different sources, all containing a parameter/parameters that would affect that flag. It would be too much work to implement for what it’s worth, but for simpler cases this is a good solution.

Ok, in that case, I don’t think there is any other option to set it to “disabled”. My advice then would be, when the write is used, trigger a QAction, retrieve the parameters that would have an effect on it, if it fails, show a popup message saying it’s impossible to set it and the reason why it’s impossible, that way the user has immediately the feedback.
(that logic would be contained in a QAction)