I have a simple use case.
I'm working in a Adhoc Data Source, and instead of returning a GPIPage with a list of rows, I need to throw an exception or return an error somehow.
I would like, then, to handle this exception/error in the Low Code App side, and display the user with an error message.
I cannot return an empty list of rows because that is a plausible outcome without there being an error in the adhoc data source side.
Hi Gaspar,
If you want to display to the user a nice error message, you can use the GenIfException.
You can also try to do something like the following:
I see your point. But I don’t think there is a way to return an error in the UI without showing that “burning” image.
Thank you for your effort anyway José
I guess that’s the best we can do for now.
My intention was to catch the error on the LCA side, so it can be handled differently, instead of showing the “Error” image.