Our driver has some column parameters which some are metrics and other counters. Most metrics are using 3 or 4 decimals places while counters whole numbers. We want everything to have 4 decimals places since the data is aggregated by another tool which requires that structure of 4 decimals places. Is there a way to do this without affecting the core of the driver/other implementations? Something similar to DynamicUnits or applying and information template perhaps?
This depends on the parameter's <Interprete> definition, which can be different from the <Display> definition. For double type parameters, we round the amount of decimals to 6 by default, and this can be overwritten with the <Decimals> tag. Retrieving the parameter through NotifyProtocol or SLNet should yield this precision in the e.g. DoubleValue for SLNet's GetParameterResponseMessage.
I don't believe information templates are currently able to change the parameter's <Interprete> definition. Dynamic units only apply to the display representation of the value.