Hello All,
We have a case of expected RTEs reliably occurring at the same time of day (4 hour window) for a specific protocol. We have confirmed there is no clear way to solve the root of the issue generating the RTEs and we have also confirmed the RTEs are not negatively impacting the performance of the system.
With that said, is there a way that we can have DataMiner ignore specific RTEs for a specific Protocol and at a specific time of day, ultimately keeping the RTEs from generating in the first place?
Or is there a way to increase the default 15min RTE threshold for specific cases?
Thank you,
Hi Thomas,
I'm not sure if you've already tried it, but if the problem is caused by a long-running qaction, this can typically be solved by using the 'queued' option.
When this option is activated the QAction will run on a separate thread, in parallel with other QActions. This QAction can run longer than 15 minutes without generating an RTE. This should be used with care, and the necessary protections need to be added regarding locking and making sure the action doesn't run forever.
For more information see: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/schemadoc/Protocol/Protocol.QActions.QAction-options.html?#queued

Hi Tom, Thank you for the information. We’ll check if this can be used in our case.