Hi all,
I recall an option in the InterApp classes that allowed using an executor different from the MessageExecutor (source: InterApp classes | DataMiner Docs).
This alternative didn't necessitate all of those methods.
Do you know if this option is still available, or has it been deprecated?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Vasco,
You are correct that there is another option to process your InterApp messages, you have the MessageExecutor that you found but there is also the SimpleMessageExecutor (Class SimpleMessageExecutor<T> | DataMiner Docs)
It contains a single TryExecute message that allows you to simplify your processing flow.

At the beginning of next week, I will try to update the docs page that you linked to reflect the missing informations

Updated docs here: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/dataminer-docs/pull/2500
It should be live in the coming days but feel free to have a look already.
Hi João, thank you for the prompt response. That is indeed what I was looking for.