I have a scenario where we have 110 element that were created via IDP. When they were created, the protocol was set to a specific version, not Production. We'd like to re-apply the CI Type to make the change to the Production version.
I see in INVENTORY - MANAGED I can re-apply a CI Type and it will allow me to change the protocol, however, it appears I can only do that one element at a time. Is there a way to make this change via IDP or would we need to remove the elements and re-run our scans?
Hi Jamie,
Unfortunately, there is no simple way of doing a bulk call for the Reapply operation from the Inventory > Managed tab.
However, if you have Process Automation, you should be able to achieve what you are looking for by configuring a process that first selects all your elements and then calls the Reapply for each individual element with the predefined settings you configured.

Thanks João! We unfortunately don’t have PA setup on this client, but good to know I wasn’t overlooking something obvious!