I'm currently developing an IAS script, and I'm using HorizontalAlignment.Center in one of my widgets to shift it slightly to the right compared to the others. The thing is, in Cube, the UI looks as it's supposed to, but in LCA, everything is aligned to the left.
Is there any way to fix this?
Thank you!
Hi Carlos,
Instead of using HorizontalAlignment.Center, you could try to use the Margin property to shift the component to the right.
I think this is a more recommended way, because you can control how far the component moves without relying on alignment.

Hi Tom,
I also tried to use Margin but had the same result as using the alignment. Still, in the LCA, im not able to see the margin showing in either, cube or the LCA
here is what im doing with the margin:
ChannelOptions = new CheckBoxList(channelNames) { MaxHeight = 400, Margin = new Margin(20,0,0,0) };
AddWidget(ChannelOptions, ++layoutRowPos, 0);
not sure if im missing something there.