So I've been tasked with getting some batch files working to automatically relaunch Cube when a windows machine is rebooted.
Using the following batch command and arguments, Cube will launch (maximized as called in the batch script), and then open to the appropriate hostname, however when opening the client in that host, it is no longer maximized.
start DataMinerCube.exe /max /hostname=<your_hostname_here> /launch
I have tried a number of things to get this working, and don't see any arguments when opening a connection to a host to maximize the window, nor does it appear to be a setting that can be modified in Cube.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Lucas,
There is currently no argument / option that will maximize (fullscreen) the DataMinerCube.exe
But since this sounds like an interesting use case, I would suggest to request this feature.
Kind regards,

Hi Robbe,
I was afraid of that, thank you for your response.
Votes would be greatly appreciated if anyone else finds themselves trying to figure this out.