When creating a booking where the start time due to the preload is in the past, we end up with a confirmed and seemingly running booking without a started Service.
Due to this we have a Cancel button available and not a Finish button.
When pressing Cancel, we get an error messaging indicating the booking is running and to use the Finish button. This button is not available, so how do we stop this (permanent) booking?
in the below screenshot I could reproduce this with a single booking:
Hi Mieke, in order to resolve this you can try changing the end time by clicking on the button Adjust Time. That worked for me in the past in a similar situation.
Alternatively, you can turn to the Client Test tool. Specifically, in Advanced > Apps > Resource Manager, you can remove the reservation instance from the tab ReservationInstances. I'd advise using the Client Test Tool only as a last resort and not a Production system.

Hi Jan-Klaas, it is not possible to adjust the time of a permanent booking so I will try the client test tool in case there is no other way to nicely force finish it.