After a DMA update (internal build) an existing setup using Process Automation no longer works.
How do we start to debug? Where to look?
The setup uses a permanent booking with a specific process.
This process needs to start on-demand. To do this an Automation script exists to generate and throw a token.
All of this was working fine and was not changed.
In an info event I can see that the automation script to throw the token runs, but nothing happens after this.
Where do I start looking to get an idea of what is going wrong?
DMA version:
I would start by looking at the queue element(s), specifically the one to which the token is sent.
- is the token listed in the incoming table?
- do you have entries in the registration table?
- do you have exceptions in the element log of the queue element?

The original PA 1.2.2 suffered from compilation errors in the queue elements with DM (released version) and CU1 was created for that (RN30206). If you have still the same issues with the latest CU, I would advise creating an issue task for the compilation problems.

Thanks! I had PA 1.2.1 installed. I now updated to 1.2.2 CU2.
Most likely the the problem is resolved by the DMA restart that is triggered by the update of PA. We will see with the next DMA update if the root cause is gone with the latest PA version or if there is still something else going on.
Looks like the upgrade broke something in building/compiling the code of the queue elements:
…|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|ERR|-1|44|No CodeBuilder found for cookie0
…|SLProtocol – 12904 – SRM_Queue_PA PLM.SLC PLM Book Resources|3648|CQAction::Run|ERR|-1|QAction [90] triggered by [pid=8/idx=-1/pk=/user=] failed. (0x80040221)
Input: new = <NULL>
Input: old = <NULL>
Input: extra = <NULL>