I would like to create a smart serial element within a QAction. But I'm wondering if this is supported? If yes, which configuration and connection type can be used.
Based on following document https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/ClassLibrary/ClassLibraryElementCreation.html, only SNMP and HTTP are defined.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Gilles,
It seems (smart) serial connections are not yet supported in the class library. However it is possible to use the raw messages to achieve this. (Similar as the raw messages the class library uses in the background)
Creating elements from other elements do come with extra pitfalls. What is the reason you need to do this?

One way to create elements using the old style is described in our help: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/NotifyTypes/NT_CREATE_ELEMENT.html
Ideally you make your code in such a way that it will be easy to update once the Class Lib does support (smart) serial connections.
I’m initially developing a Nokia Consumer Connector which need to be able to send its data to a Nokia Collector element via smart serial connection