Hi, I would like to create a generic script that will based on calculation (logic) determine if an interactive screen needs to be shown or just execute.
How do I accomplish this?
Hi Mieke
Your question looks similar to this question created by Gilles: Using same automation script in interactive and non-interactive mode - DataMiner Dojo
Does this help you out?
Kind regards

Hi, in this script (https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/SLC-AS-SetElementCustomProperty) we are combining interactive and non-interactive mode. An if-statement should do the trick.
Did a test via the cube editor and it works fine at our end.
Not really. I’m not sure what is meant with “just skip”.
Does this mean that I can have a simple if-statement:
If (interactionNeeded)
// Show screen
// Execute
Because when I do this via Cube Editor, I always get “Interaction required” error when running the flow that doesn’t need to show the screen.
Would this mean there is a SW bug?