right now I am struggling to understand the code, after various triggers and actions I am confused. I lost the overview. I found this Video (https://community.dataminer.services/courses/dataminer-connector-integration-http-basics/lessons/http-internal-flow-introduction-and-dataminer-processes/?hilite=internal+flow) but It's not really clear for me.
In this picture, I created my own flowchart. That's execute an HTTP-Request and store the Data in a variable.
How does the QAction execute if I didn't call it ?
It is having something in relation to the content PID in the session?
<Session id="200" name="createTokenKeycloak">
<Connection id="1" name="createTokenKeycloak">
<Request verb="POST" url="keycloak/auth/connect/token">
<Header key="Content-Type">application/x-www-form-urlencoded</Header>
<Data pid="204"></Data>
<Response statusCode="205">
<Content pid="206"/>
Is there any flowchart or row how each Function get called?
Hi Ömer,
A QAction always triggers on a certain parameter. See the following page in the documentation for more information: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/LogicQActions.html#executing-a-qaction.
In your case the QAction probably triggers on a change of parameter 206?
<QAction id="10" name="Process response" encoding="csharp" triggers="206" />
Another possibility is working with an "after group" trigger (group 200) that executes a "run actions" action that eventually triggers the QAction that processes the response. This has the advantage that the QAction will also be triggered when no response was received from the device (i.e. timeout).

If the ID of that parameter is present in the triggers attribute of the QAction, it will automatically be triggered when the value of that parameter changes.
I’m not immediately aware of such flowchart, but will check internally. In the meantime this maybe already helps you further? https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/devguide/Connector/InnerWorkingsIntroduction.html
This page contains a few graphs that explain what’s being discussed:

Thanks a lot I will check
Thank you,
I just see I linked it to a button. But is there any possibility that if a parameter(param) changes, it can be a trigger to execute the QAction?
And is there any graphical flowchart for the executing of the code (like I did)?