When I connect to the DataMiner v1 northbound interface (Soap or Restful endpoint), I use the ConnectApp method in order to validate my connection and to receive a validated connectionstring which I can supply in the rest of my method requests.
This request asks me to supply:
- host
- login
- password
- clientappname
- clientappversion
- clientcomputername
Login and password would be a valid account which has access to DataMiner and to the specific information I'm interested in gathering via the API.
What should I supply in the other parameters (host, clientappname, clientappversion, clientcomputername) in order to get a correctly validated connection that doesn't get automatically disconnected after 10 minutes?
Are there optional arguments amongst these?
- host = obsolete and no longer used, as the API will always connect to the "localhost" DataMiner (except if something else has been configured in the file Webpages\API\web.config, then it will connect to the DMA running on that host, but it will never use the host specified in the ConnectApp request). It's recommended to keep this empty.
- ClientAppName = should be the name of the client application as registered by Skyline (see intranet, Add-ons). If the client application has not been registered by Skyline, the connection will get closed after 10 minutes, and an information event will be created: "... removed because of error: Using a non authorized client application."
- ClientAppVersion and ClientComputerName are optional, and are only used in DataMiner logging and in information events.

A valid ClientAppName can be requested by a customer through his Technical Account Manager (TAM). The TAM will then supply the customer with a valid application name and corresponding clientapps license which will authenticate this client application name.