After configuring a failover setup through cube, I noticed the replication factor of my SLDMADB scheme is incorrect:
When doing a nodetool status the nodes indeed show as only 50% owner:
How can I (easily) fix this; is there a way to update the replication factor via query?
Also when exactly does DataMiner configure this in the background? I already tried breaking up the failover and putting it back together but the issue persists.
Hello Jelle,
This query should achieve what you want to achieve:
ALTER KEYSPACE "SLDMADB" WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 2 };
When configuring the failover, the replication factor should be set to 2 and upon breaking up it should be set to 1. If it doesn't, it seems like there is a software issue.

Hello Jelle,
To verify, I’ve quickly double checked in the code. This is being set to 1 upon breaking a failover and set to 2 for enabling a failover. This is done for the keyspace defined in DB.XML (SLDMADB by default) and system_auth keyspace. However, this was only added since 10.0.4/ 9.6.0(CU17)/10.0.0(cu4) (RN24787). Before this RN, I believe this was only set to 2 for enabling a failover, but never reset to 1 after unsetting a failover.
In fresh configs/installations, the replication factor is being set to 1. In my local (fresh 9.6.0 CU 13 config), i can verify that the replication factor is 1.
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your reply, I’ll try this asap.
One thing: You mention ‘upon breaking the replication is set to 1’, I’ve checked a couple of different agents (including my localhost which has never been in a failover before) and on all of these the SLDMADB replication_factor is set to 2.