Hi all,
I need to integrate 2 devices that only communicate using GPIO (dry contact) ports.
Before asking for the development of these drivers I need to know which would be a better converter for this integration with Dataminer.
I will only need read access, no commands will be sent to the equipment.
One device uses 14 pins and the other 37 pins.
Is there any guidance from a reliable converter that will make this integration possible?
Hi Paula,
We integrated already a lot of dry contacts with I/O modules of Advantech. Depends about the number and type of contacts, you can select the right model. This is not a must, DataMiner can integrate with any I/O converter who support a third party integration.

Hi Koen, thank you for the information.
You can find more information under FAQ (https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/faq-general/), see the fourth question ‘Does Skyline offer serial and GPIO converters’.