I have element details inside which i have parameter id of my resource. I want to retrieve the resource values using the parameter id in GQI. below is the closest i could get by achieving it. but im getting error message "Access not allowed"(pasting the whole error message here). help me with what i'm doing wrong here.
var requestMsg = new GetParameterMessage() { ParameterId = parameter.ParameterID };
var responseMsg = _dms.SendMessages(requestMsg);
var paramInfo = responseMsg.OfType<GetParameterResponseMessage>().ToList();
Sending SLHelper.Callback message requests:SLHelperTypes.Messages.InternalMessage over NATS failed with error: (Code: 0x80070005) Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Exceptions.DataMinerSecurityException: Access not allowed.
at Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Helper.Helper.<SLNetCallbackAsync>d__12.MoveNext()
Hi Baranisudha,
The GetParameterMessage also requires the DMA ID and element ID. Could you please try again after adding these as well to the request message?

Does the user that runs the GQI query have access to the element?
yes, i can see the element in DM. DO i need any other permission to access it from low-code app?

Not completely sure, but don’t think so..
for some reason wrong logs got publised. Now I’m getting the above data from parameter message
not sure why im getting parameter values as empty
Thanks Tom, but still getting the same issue.