The DataMiner help indicates it is possible to generate a report via a URL.
We aim to get a trend graph of a table column with a filter.
We failed to get this to work by using report-element as it is described in the help, and from the URL example we saw we need to use report-parameter to get it to work:
http://localhost/Reports/Report.asp?report-template=trending&report-element= 157/2& report-parameter=107(SL*|1)&report-parameter=350&report-title= Trending& report-message=This is a trending report&report-format=html
But there is no explanation on the report-parameter.
What does the |1 mean in the filter?
We also need to call this URL from an external system (an automation workflow engine), can we pass the dataminer credential within this report URL? If it's not possible to do it, what is the best practice for this kind of integration?
it's clear, thank you for the information.